Where did the time go…

Hiya all, well the posting weekly plan didn’t last long did it…

Life, health and time simply got in the way.

I plod along in life mostly managing my health but every now and again I simply run out of spoons and something has to give. For those of you not familiar with the spoon theory you can check it out here. My main health problems stem from the fact I have degenerative disc disease, which basically means the discs in my lower spine are dehydrated and the bones are more mobile than they should be and they press on the nerves running through my spine leading to pain/numbness/tingling/burning/weakness in my legs along with muscle spasms from my lower back downwards.

The last few weeks have been one long flare up and I’ve spent most of my time resting and not even always feeling up to knitting!

Finished Objects

I have managed to finish something…


This is the Talisman shawl, which is the first release in the Shawl Society collection by Helen Stewart who it Curious Handmade on Ravelry. You can still join in the 2nd pattern is going to be released shortly.



The yarn is Araucania Botany lace and I knit this on my 4mm knitpro symphonies, and shockingly I managed not to break them. I’m known as the needle killer at my LYS knit night, I snap symphonies, I wear grooves in Karbonz, I scratch metal needles like Novas, needless to say I never borrow anyones needles even for a minute.

I’ve also finished my Waiting for Rain shawl, but it’s in the blocking queue waiting for a good day because it is huge!

There has also been a sock explosion.. with 2 finished pairs and a half pair.  I’m taking part in the Bakery Bears summer of socks KAL, with the aim of knitting the highest stack of socks you can before the end of the KAL on 31st August.


Stash Enhancement

I performed a totally selfless act this week and helped a friend destash some yarn by taking it off her hands. I have no plans for what any of this will become but the best yarn purchases are always like that.

Random Ramblings

I’ve had my designer head on this past few days, there is a shawl pattern currently a WIP (if you follow me on Instagram you’ll have seen a sneak peek or two) but hopefully should be ready for test knitting soon. This will be the first (hopefully of many) that I will be releasing through Ravelry, I have to admit I’m a little nervous about putting it out there in the real world for all to criticise but I need to take the leap of faith.

I’ve passed on the torch to the Fraggles, they have both this week started work knitting their first shawls. I’m so happy to see them get excited about yarn and yarnie goodness and I’m happy that their first shawl projects are my designs. I’ll share their finished objects with you when I can.

Well that’s it for this week, hopefully I can get back on track with weekly postings now and neglect you all less. Thank you for stopping by, and remember you can always see more of my randomness on Instagram and Facebook.



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